Massive reforms! LOL!!!
just seen this announced on reddit:.
ken cook was announced today at morning worship as the new member of the governing body.
i dont recall him from the broadcasts, but he was formally a helper on the writing committee as per https://www.jw.org/en/jehovahs-witnesses/faq/governing-body/.
Massive reforms! LOL!!!
just seen this announced on reddit:.
ken cook was announced today at morning worship as the new member of the governing body.
i dont recall him from the broadcasts, but he was formally a helper on the writing committee as per https://www.jw.org/en/jehovahs-witnesses/faq/governing-body/.
One more guy who doesn't have to worry about money or healthcare.
where can i find a disfellowshipped wife ;)
Please don't take this the wrong way, but you might be better off staying single.
since blondie seems to still be on sabbatical, i'll take the liberty of highlighting a couple of "gems" from this week's upcoming study, from the article "reject worldly thinking".. from paragraph 12:.
is it true that succeeding in a secular career that offers power and prestige leads to lasting happiness?
remember that the craving to control others and the longing to be admired are the desires that enticed satan, but he is angry, not happy.. .
I'm just trying to keep from losing what I got. I guess I have a craving to control others and long to be admired.
as i intimate in the words below, i like autumn and winter, but there's a downward spiral in my emotions.
i'm in control, yet, .
rain, at long last, has touched both our land and my soul.
@ compound complex:
Try yellow tinted glasses. They will make even the cloudiest of days appear pleasant and sunny. I have a pair of yellow tinted sunglasses. I originally got them because I thought they looked cool.
Go figure.
the door was knocked very quietly, (the bell ignored) .
two ladies stood there both clutching bibles, a youngish one, early thirties, and an old dear, in her seventies i would guess.. the young one started "we have been asking your neighbours today if they feel there is anywhere to go for reliable guidance ?".
" but pointing to her silver sword i said " but not there though !".
"Educate yourself about your religion before you preach to others."
The quote of the year.
i'm so upset and angry at the same time.
i move in less than 2 weeks and was supposed to be getting help off "brothers" to move and one of them was driving the van and now the elders have had a meeting and told the brothers they can't help coz i'm separated from my (abusive) jw husband and with moving it puts the chances of reconciliation (of which there was zero chance) even further away.
where are these stupid rules that they come up with.
@ Jrjw...
Stay away from religion, period. Please don't jump out of the pot and into the fire.
of course the religion condemns homosexuality but did you know any gay witnesses?
i knew some bethelites that were very effeminate and i remember 4 women who were suspected of being lesbians by many in the congregation.
they eventually moved away and were very vocal against males, especially elders..
I suspected several, but unconfirmed.
just thought i'd start a thread about lucas revisiting star wars films and making new edits - for better or for worse.. first off, let me say that george lucas has a tremendous imagination and star wars (1977), also known as episode 4: a new hope, and the empire strikes back (1980) - episode 5 in the franchise - are two of my favourite films.
as progress has been made in special effects, including the development of cgi, it makes sense for lucas to go back and retouch the spaceships, laser blasts and light sabres, improving what was 70s and 80s effects.. but i feel that lucas' tinkering has been a mixed bag - some have been bad choices, some unnecessary and others have been good.. what do you think ... .
yesterday i went to a shopping center.
i saw a dub who was once a very friendly person.
he was about 10 metres from me when i noticed him.
I’m not d’fed, but when I see jdubs out and about, most of them pretend to not see me or recognize me. But then again, they did that when I was “regular at the meetings(™)" too.